Here is my weird family yesterday at our family picnic. Well...most of them anyway. There are a few missing. Just like any other family gathering we have some that had other engagements, a few that forgot, one or two that are crowd avoiders and I am sure there were some that "won't come if so-and-so comes", and some that were ill or too old to join us. Other than my two boys, Joe, one daughter, a son-in-law and sassafras I had no "legal" relatives at this family picnic. this family is my church family and truthfully I spend much more time with these folks than I do my daughter in Nashville, my sister back in Oklahoma or my aunt in Atlanta.

The world has changed. We no longer live in villages formed by most of our family. We can't just walk down the road to grandma's house or run next door to our sister's home. I realize that here in the small town I currently live in, there still are a few folks that manage to maintain family land for offspring to come back and settle with their families but by and large that type of lifestyle is vanishing from the American landscape.
So this has become family to us, the Mowdys. And what a great family it is! I know that there are times that I don't see eye to eye with each and everyone of these amazing folks. I am equally sure they question my sanity at times. But isn't that family? A group of people gathered, cut from different cloths, coming from different perspectives to make a life together.
Our family is growing. Yesterday we had some new folks join our family. A growing family is a vital family. I may be biased but this family is exceptionally great. I feel, bias aside, there are many people outside this family that would attest to my assessment. Many people that have moved away still claim this family. Some have left for good. We still miss them.
Dr. Phil lists Five Factors for a Phenomenal Family. I find that a vital church works on each of these points: "create a nurturing and accepting family system, promote rhythm in your family life, establish meaning rituals and traditions, be active in your communication and learn to manage crisis." This article is worth the read for anyone attempting to create a healthy family, church, workplace or even in your home.
What have I learned about family from these folks?
1. Being messed up doesn't mean we are less effective.
We are messy, weird with such varied lifestyles. It is those varied life experiences that help us to be effective in this world. When a problem arises, someone knows the answer, whether it is to fix the church van or help an addict. Someone has the tools in their tool box to address the situation. God has masterfully brought us all through life to this point to form a strong, complete unit. Is your family using your weirdness to strengthen it?
2. Differences only make us stronger.
Scripture says iron sharpens iron. In our family, we have people that like to believe what scripture says about having faith that God will provide while others hang on the idea to be good stewards of what God provides. Holding two opposing concepts in tension is what allows us all to grow. As one strong idea rub against another strong idea a sharpness comes into focus somewhere between the two. Are you squelching the thoughts and ideas of others robbing your family of a balanced perspective?
3. What brings us together is what is important.
In our case, a deep love for others, found in Jesus Christ, shaped by God and ignited by the holy Spirit is what gathers this family together. This is a praying family. This is a family that worships in one accord. This is a family that puts God above all else. What beings you family together besides DNA?
4. Healthy families grow love and love grows healthy families.
This family keeps growing; in number as well as love. Sure some get mad and take their ball home. Divorce happens in every family, although often it could be avoided. But in those willing to work together, understand that no one is perfect (including yourself) and get the concept that when one person gets their way - someone else may not. But your turn may be next time and love comes from within. Love comes from God through the Holy Spirit that resides within you. Let God love you, accept that love and then share it The rest will not matter. Perfect love. which is from God, when allowed to flow will create perfect love for each other.
Whether it is on your home, workplace or church, be weird!
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