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A few representatives from HUMC Liturgical Dance Camp |

Here is another picture of God's Kingdom. Last weekend, folks from the Homestead community in Cumberland County, Tennessee gathered to pray for the community, the teachers and faculty, and the children. Represented here are 9 churches from 4 denominations. Adults; young and older. Children; many not understanding why this moment is big. Some of the people have yet to discover a church home. But together they gathered on public school property to pray for God's reign here on this piece of real estate; praying for "Thy Kingdom to come on Earth." As I looked with trepidation at the new local Church of Christ pastor when I stepped up to pray for the community his comment was, "We're just here, servants of God, toiling together, hitting the same big rocks."
Isn't that how it should be - the harvest is great and the workers are few and all that? In this county at least 92% of the population profess to be "Christian", yet less that 50% of the population are actively pursuing a relationship with God in community through church or some other organized house of worship; in other words they are non-church going. There is a message in a bunch of kids gathering to dance for God where ever they are allowed and bunch of people gathering to pray to stake a claim for God where He is often asked to leave. What is that message?
"Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences." ~ John Wesley
OR, in other words...
"We're just here, servants of God, toiling together, hitting the same big rocks." ~Rev. Don Anderson
We are people of one God. We are people of one book. Let us be people be of one heart so that we can be people of one Kingdom here on Earth. I pray we have the opportunity to go more places to dance. I hope for the chance to pray for others in all places. I want to go far and wide to bring workers together to toil in our vast mission field.
Why would I want to go anywhere - everywhere to toil - to work? Why? "He has forgiven our sins as far as the east is to the west." Psalm 103:12 I figure if He can forgive us that extravagantly, I should be prepared to serve God equally as extravagantly. I realize I am but one, broken person willing to serve, but if I only rely on what I can do alone then I allow no room for others to come along side me and God to supply the power. I also realize that no matter where I go to serve - there will be the same big rocks!
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