The day I found out I was pregnant with my first child, Jill, I was weighed and measured when I was examined. I measured 5'5" and for the purposes of this story you don't need to know how much I weighed. In an interesting turn of events when I was measured at her first birthday I measured a full inch and a quarter taller! The amazing thing is that I did the exact same thing again as I gave birth the second time. In order to reach my Gabby Reece goal (I have always decided that I am not really overweight but I am under tall) I would need to have a total of eight children. I digress... My point is personal growth. I have done enough, right??? Probably not. A seminary professor of mine once said you can tell when a person stops growing by the date of the most current book on their shelf. Although he was referring to clergy I believe the sentiment hold true for others as well.

Recently I read an article from a web site I subscribe to called, ChurchLeaders. A recent article captured my attention. The article was titled, 5 Things Long-Term Leaders Master (and Quitters Never Do) . Yesterday my post dealt with the fist "thing," being unpopular. The next two concepts needed for long term leaders according to Carey Nieuwhof, the author of the article suggested were "Personal Growth" and "Trusting God More Than Themselves." I find the two go hand in hand. As you trust in God you will grow and as you grow you will be enabled to trust more in God.

I used to know everything. If you had asked me I would have told you. In fact, if you had asked others that knew me, they would have told you I thought I knew everything. It was a while before I learned opinion from knowledge. On some level, we probably all have subjects that we feel we are experts. It was through humble, personal growth that I was able to see that others knew something and most often far more than I really know. Two undergrad degrees, a masters degree and a MDiv later I feel less knowledgable than I did a a middle school girl.
I grew by losing a part of myself and that part of me was shed as I discovered a God that has perfection wrapped up in His plan. The more I saw His map for my life filled with great wisdom designed for me, I found that trusting God made so much more sense that to lean on my own understanding. I had to learn it was God's Wisdom that carried me through, not my own.
I am still growing daily. For me it is a two steps forward, one step back or most unfortunately it can often be a one step forward, two steps back process. I often get caught up in ability. I am a fairly able and competent person and that is exactly what trips me up. Having the skills to accomplish tasks lets me rely on my own ability all too easily. I have to remind myself I could do so much more if I let God in on the planning and execution of life.
So by losing myself I gain a shot at excellence.
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