This was just the beginning. Abuse, neglect and multiple homes and fathers followed. Many would say I experienced many tragedies in my childhood.
Many riches occurred during my childhood. I was blessed to have a grandmother that indulged me as grandmothers should. She was known for saying, you can't spoil a smart child. My mother's sister and her husband, Aunt Judy and Uncle Terry, provided summer get-aways and a picture of a "normal" home life with two parents, discipline, routine and love. I learned what could be.
As an adult the trend has continued. Some really crazy, less than favorable moments coupled with some really great times that have shaped my life.
Am I wrecked for life? Have these horrible moments decimated me? Apparently not. I am here. I have survived. I feel as though I have thrived in many areas of my life. And convexly, there have been failures. I feel as though I was refined by the fires in my life. There are scars, flaws in the product called "ME" but I find comfort in the fact that there is a product and a useable/functional one at that. I almost feel as though the flaws serve as a way to make me more unique, more uncommon, me "Monica." I begin looking like everyone else, then BAM out comes the Thing 1 wig! I find that the scars on my heart, my soul serve to make for strength. As the wound would heal (and it will if I don't keep picking at it) the tough skin that forms making a scar gives strength to my heart allowing it to continue on, pumping, loving, breaking for others but as more stabs come my heart is stronger more resilient due to the very scars formed by the very wounds that intended as fatal. I have always pondered how is this type of perseverance possible?
This sign posted by my friend Tracy at Perks, her coffee shop. This is it. Not only have the fires in my life been unsuccessful in consuming me, reducing me to ashes. The fire has created me. Built me. Scorch marks and all. This fire is proof of God's grace and mercy. God does not allow us to be consumed, destroyed, removed from His sight. But takes the same fire and uses it to heat us up, strengthen us and make us gold; more precious and valuable. The prophet Isaiah spoke of God's intentions for His created. The writer of Romans says, "God is a consuming fire." What God does with those flames of His, is he consumed those "fleshly bits" that stand in our way from perfection. He takes that glowing red ember and cauterizes the flowing wounds of abuse and self-inflection. The intense heat solders the places of weakness in our character and makes them stronger.
Let it happen. Let the fire burn. Let God's flames create in you a clean heart, a strong countenance, and an unstoppable force while on this planet!
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