Monday, January 19, 2015

Cumbria de la Arada Clinic Day 3

Today was good - today was weird; weird beyond the standard weird you get going to a foreign country as a non-medical person to work a medical mission on a team with a few people you know and many you don't. Weird in a way I can only describe this way: 
The ride was different. It was more vertically challenging than usual. (Imagine that!) We experienced a short period of a paved road and the rest was deep, scary ruts; at least a foot deep. 

We had to walk part way because the truck could carry us and make it up the hillside with out us tumbling back. 

Today way weird because the clinic was in a home, not a church or school. This clinic was in the village that inspired Brandon Mullins and Becky Whitney to get Homestead United Methodist Church to move for pencils. The children were sitting on rocks and doing their work by scratching into stone with sewing needles. Multiple folks sent I pencils to this school and many others in addition to Homestead UMC's collection of 22,000. The school was in such a precarious place down a steep narrow trail a man offered his home for the clinic. 

The weirdness continued with triage and dental being set up in open air. To add to the fun we had a tarp with no instructuons. Suffice it to say, if tent poles need stability, bamboo and packing tape work. No walls make it hard to move people when the people speak Chorti and no one on the team speaks Chorti. We had a few "runners"!

And hiders.

We had the usual bugs (or something like that) were removed from ears, bloody stools, (sorry TMI) and surgery. Sorry. No pictures. I would lose my G rating. 

But let me end by sharing the two top weird experiences of the day!

A Guatemalan Bee Hive!
And an ice cream truck. And yes, they play the same song everywhere!!! And no we didn't eat the ice cream. 

Check out Facebook Monica Beal Mowdy for more pictures of the day. 

1 comment:

  1. When you get out, you get way out. Sounds like quite the adventure. Be safe, good luck and GODSPEED! ~ Abby



Photo from: As a former student of Asbury Theological Seminary, I have been asked to weigh-in on the event taking place a...