Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lift your head

It is the middle of June. I am beginning my fourth year at HUMC. In four years the Spirit has moved mightily in this church family. Many have gathered, many have felt the urge to grow and many have begun the process of reaching out to others. I am excited to be a part of this place. I love you. God loves you and what makes this place special is that within this love we share there is a power; a power that can only come from God.

It is the middle of June, the last half of 2014 is dawning. It is time to look behind us and see what we have accomplished and what we plan to do as the rest of the year finishes up. In meetings and conversations we have talked of things we “should” do and “plan” to do. And we have moved into new areas of ministry! 

In the Gospel of Matthew this is reported, “Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

Right around our Homestead community there are hurting confused people; sheep in need of a shepherd. I am reminded of a moment at Grassy Cove in the Spring. Katie Kemmer Hardt had four sets of twin lambs born  this year and a few of them became orphans, a lot of babies needing care and feeding but no mama to feed them or keep them safe. It was up to the mamas of the other lambs to adopt these lambs. Katie told me it is amazing how the mamas can produce more when more is needed. One Sunday morning I noticed all the sheep were headed back to the barn. All the sheep were over the hill and to the barn, traveling in family groupings; a mama and a few babies headed home on a mission of rest and food. Just over the top of the hill was one, lone, tiny new lamb. This lamb as crying out. Not moving but just crying out. Not to be too dramatic but it almost sounded like, “pleeeeaaase…pleeeeaaaasssee…” The other sheep kept heading to their intended destination. Then one mama stopped. She turned her head. She listened. And then she began sending back a sound that I am sure if I spoke sheep I would translate it to be, “On my way…”  She kept hollering at the little guy as she moved toward the sound. They traded echoing sounds until the mama found him and then together they headed home. That lamb was not hers. It was one of the orphaned babies. She didn’t leave him behind. 

Family…lift your head…look around…there are orphaned people all around us. They are hurt, scared, alone and need a family. What can we do? This is what we can do. We have family, we have love and we can produce more when more is needed. We have enough. Will we stop and listen for the cries of those in need? Will we love these lost ones as much as we have a love for ourselves, our own lambs? Will we count on God to provide more when more is needed? Will we add them to our family?

In the upcoming months I will be asking a lot because there is a lot to do and we are blessed to be allowed to do it. 

I can’t help but think of all those sheep that had to have heard that cry behind them and kept heading in the other direction; kept on their personal path. They achieved their goal of making it to the barn. They got to get out of the sun, eat and relax for the afternoon. They got to sit and enjoy their children, with full bellies. All the while the other mama that turned around and had to walk a little farther, wait to eat a little longer and care for one other mouth to feed. But in the end she got to eat, rest in the barn and enjoy her children with a full belly as well. But with a bigger family.

This, Homestead family, is a rally cry. A voice in the wilderness.

Lift your head.

Look around.



Go…find…bring them home.

Be prepared, in the months ahead much will be asked but much has been given to you. (Luke 12:48)

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