Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Drag Push Pull

Well it is here...VBS WEEK. After weeks of intense preparation, which included costume design, cookie baking, script writing, craft buying, set building, song and dance practice, and nail painting (yes we are that committed) 

we get this! YES THIS!

And this is the first night!

Thanks Brock!
Kids love VBS, even the ones that first enter with fear and trepidation. It is a moment when children that are familiar with the church and each other gather with friends they have invited as well as those children that have accepted the invitation of the cool light up sign in the church yard!

After one fast flying evening of skits, stories, crafts food and fun the kids join together as if they have all known each other for ever! They rush in to the sanctuary for closing ready eager to share in what excitement unfolds next.

Bam! Hebrews 10:19 just happened in the middle of VBS with a bunch of rowdy kids and willing adults and young people.

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus."

It is a challenge for us weekly worshippers (and those that may not actually make it to worship weekly) to enter boldly into worship. I venture to say that many of us creep in, straggle in, or maybe even stumble in to a Most Holy Place on Sunday. Maybe we are tired. Or is it because we don't feel worthy? Do we even understand that we are entering a holy place? The sanctuary is the most holy place this side of heaven. How we enter the this holy spot reflects how confident we are in our entry into the Heavenly Holy Place. How could we NOT enter boldly with the confidence of a new life in Christ?

These VBS kids get it. Maybe not in the way we think of "holy." They don't come in silent, reverent and chanting as if they are monks entering a monastery. They come in with great expectation, awaiting to see what God can do through the lives of the people present Christ to them They know Christ will be there. Why? Well duh! Because it is vacation BIBLE school! They (if even for only one week) they become family! They look for Christ, they wait for Him and cheer when they see what God can do.

Maybe VBS is a yearly challenge to us regular worshippers to check our attitude upon entering. Are we rushing in boldly expecting to see what God can do knowing we are a new family living in the power of Christ??? Maybe we should.

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Photo from: JuicyEcumenism.com As a former student of Asbury Theological Seminary, I have been asked to weigh-in on the event taking place a...