You are welcome for that moment of happy. But last night I get this text:
The problem is in the balance of power and control. Bless Sassy's parents. As parents we live under the false idea that we can control all aspect of our children's life. There are not enough M&Ms to make a child potty in a pink, singing Minnie Mouse potty if they don't want to. In Sassy's case she is just smart enough to have figured out that she is n control of this one.
Sassy 1 - Parents 0
Power and control is one of the biggest bane's to man's existence. Human beings have sought power over our world through control since the beginning of time yet almost always we aren't smart enough to know when not having control is actually sometimes better.

1. You cannot control the actions of others.
You may be able to elicit a desirable outcome but ultimately the control was in the choice of the person or people you are trying to control. They chose to do what you wished.
2. Total control is imaginary.
I don't know how many times in my life I thought I had total control until someone or something came along and upset that apple cart. While we can control ourselves, we can not control the entire planet. Being rigid disables us from shifting when the world shifts.
3. Question your desire for control.
Pay attention when you are exerting control. Ask yourself why you need to be in control in this particular situation. Sometimes we control out of fear of the unknown or a weakness to handle what could happen. Learning to conquer fear and cope with our surroundings is better than trying to control the world. Getting support to work through the things in life that stress us, defeat us and set us back is much better that creating an environment of control to try to keep life from happening.
So... what is Sassy's mom to do? Since all systems are go then she chose to be flexible and go back to diapers. She isn't giving up. It isn't really her fight anyway. But she knows Sass wants to wear big girl panties not diapers so she is helping this little girl make the right choice; panties mean potty. Potty training (or most hurdles in life) do not have to be achieved at some magical moment. Being flexible keeps mom from going crazy and ramping up the control which is an illusion. She had to ask herself - who is this deadline for? Is it for me or some parenting magazine or for Sassy girl to reach a new level of self confidence.
Lest you think this blog is about potty training let me be clear. It is about YOU, ME - all of us. Whether we are trying to make others use a toilet instead of a diaper or a child kick a bad habit or a co-worker do a better job - we all are in danger of falling into the lure of control. Don't do it! Back away! Just take care of you!
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