As a child I would imagine what it would be like to have a dad, you know, the kind that took you to daddy-daughter dances, and would tuck you in at night, checking under the bed for monsters if need be. It wasn't as if I didn't have people that loved me; I most certainly did! Even as a child I understood the role of a father in a child's life. I understood enough to wonder what Jesus was like as a child and if he ever got spankings or sent to his room like me. I wondered what it was like to have to punish the Messiah? (secretly wishing I was special so I wouldn't get into trouble.)
As a new parent I would feel bad for poor Joseph. He all that work and trust in God that marrying a girl that was already with child by someone else was the right thing to do. All the night walking with a cholicy Jesus and then having to pull up stakes and flee to Egypt to escape a crazy ruler. I felt bad because he had no accolades in the Bible or even later in our faith. We hear songs, poems and books written about Mary. She is almost the star of the show in some faith traditions. Joseph is just the guy leading the camel to Bethlehem. Marrying not one but two great fathers, I feel that they often get left out.
What we see in Joseph is maybe what we should see a little more of in ourselves, unwavering faith the God has a grand plan and that we aren't in it for the glory, well our glory. That God's glory will sustain us and provide for us. That evil may be around the corner but God will provide an escape route. That our reward comes in being with and living with God though eternity.
So if you know a dad in your life, yours, or someone, take the time to tell them what a great job they are doing! And pray for more dads to find ways to be good earthly fathers raising God's children.