Fasting is expected of Christians. Christ said..."when you fast...", not if. But fasting a an opportunity to be humble in the presence of God, intensify your prayer life, and hopefully receive guidance from God. The hardest part of fasting is the discipline of fasting, especially during holiday seasons. Our Bishop, William McAllilly, has asked us to pray and fast during Advent and beyond leading up to Jurisdictional and Annual Conference. Being the practical sort I thought it might be helpful to offer 5 Practical Fasting Tips!

2. Drink copious amounts of water. Water will fill your belly and keep you from feeling hungry. Also, the increased trips to the restroom will keep you busy and your mind off of food. And pray thanking God for two good legs to make all of those trips.

4. Make a point to NOT visit that one friend that always eats flavorful foods and then has issues with respecting your personal space. Smelling garlic on their breath can be tough. And pray asking God for solace.
5. Buy an English Bulldog. English Bulldogs insist on being walked...A LOT. They are also high targets for theft so you can't just let them outside. Bulldogs are also smart. They will trick you into thinking they need to go. So out you go. You will be tied up all day with your dog. Thank God that your life allows you to have pets, and that you can feed them and yourself when so many others can't.
Seriously, fasting is never easy. It isn't supposed to be. But with God you will be able to fast. That is the point; reliance on God, obedience to God and submission to God.
Disclaimer: All of these tips are silly except for the praying tips. They may or may not be actual circumstances in my fasting life. Happy Advent. #dohardthings
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