All you have to do is scroll through Social Media to discover that people like lists; "21 Things That Only Happen to Awkward People", 15 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Faith", or "5 Ways to Know if You Are Prone to Cheat." You get the picture.
Lists are handy. It is natural and easy to get information this way. You can quickly scan the list, check off those that apply to you and walk away happy knowing you are not awkward or prone to commit adultery or have the deepest faith - EVER!!!
It is a great feeling when you check the list and you are "good." A recent list I read ticked off the traits to decide if you were prone to spiritual maturity; "What Does Christ-Like Maturity Look Like? 15 Characteristics." I have added a few of my thoughts, things I Had to ask myself before I could check them off.
Check them out. If you dare.
The article listed traits such as:
Guided by the Holy Spirit (even into uncomfortable places) most of us are willing to boldly go where we have gone before or were we feel equipped to master the area. But are you willing to go into uncharted territory where there are more questions than answers in the name of Christ?
You are a disciple finder and maker. Before you answer "yes". Ask yourself to give examples of When? Who? How? You might be surprised at your answers. IT is so easy to assume we are great disciples because we follow…right? but we are also called to find and make disciples. Jesus said. Re-read Matthew 28:19-20
You are a teacher and defender of the truth. (WARNING: You must really know the truth first.) Too often we shape God’s truth and Christ’s word into what we want to hear, but there are really hard places like “blessed are the meek, or we scatter our blessings.” Some of what Jesus says id hard to really do!!
We model spiritual disciplines which include prayer, fasting, meditation, etc. The key word here is discipline. In other words you are called to practice spirituality with disciples; everyday, consistently, intentionally, first-priority.
A need meeter. (Hint: not your own needs)
A protector of church members from false teachers. False teachers are not always atheists, cult leaders or folks of other faith practices. Anyone who teaches something other than Jesus' intent for us is a false teacher.
A faith builder. In others. By living by faith, too. By walking by faith. You can’t build faith in others when you hide behind fear.
Partnering with God to see healing take place in the lives of church family (emotional and physical) by serving, caring, praying for and most importantly trusting they will be healed.
An empowerer. Empowerment requirs letting go...of control, of old ways...of fear.
A model of good citizenship. Be kind. Be honest. Be fair. Be NICE! Treat everyone exactly how you wish you were treated.
A transcendent hope builder. Wow! Refer to #2. Ask yourself the same questions. In this broken world, hope is what separates mature believers from those that are unbelievers or minimal believers.
A sustainer of and leader in communal expectations. Matthew 26:26-30 institutes the sacred moment of the Holy Eucharist. We should crave to share in these moments with others bringing Christ into our midst.
A defender of the principles. We have to do the right thing for the right reason which means we may have to question our motives sometimes. Are we standing on a Christ principle or a worldly principle?
Willing to die for God’s Kingdom. Fair enough. None of us are Jesus. Jesus is God. We aren't right? But mere humans have died for God. Sure Joan of Arc, Dietrich Boenhoffer, but do you know but do you know Cassie Bernall? She was a mere 17 year old girl. Sitting at school. A shooter killed her because she refused to lie about her faith to save her life. Would you?
Sending others out to make disciples. Go Make Baptize ALL the Nations.
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