Saturday, January 11, 2020


The weight of a burden I have found myself carrying on my heart has become so heavy lately that it at times the burden has become a distraction to my functioning. I have started and then deleted several blog posts for fear adding to the already existing rancor in the world of social media, church; everywhere. I didn’t want to give space to others to find an excuse to once again belittle, be ugly, demean, or condescend to someone in the name of political strategy or platform, theology or doctrine or even gender, cultural or racial bias. 

Then I read this headline: “Christians are supposed to care about people.” And I thought, YES!!! (Link Below)

If you sit down and read NOTHING else today, please read this. I am not asking you to change your mind although in my OPINION some of you need to, I am merry suggesting that you change the tenor, the framework, the vitriol of your speech, social media posts, and interactions. 

The best change in the world could be that we still have differing options and beliefs but that we choose to express those beliefs in a positive manner. And yes, as my daughter often says to her toddler son, “I understand you better when your words are kind and not yelling at me.” Try it.


Photo from: As a former student of Asbury Theological Seminary, I have been asked to weigh-in on the event taking place a...